22 years ago, as an amateur surfer, Nick Woodman was faced with a challenge. During his pursuit of becoming a professional surfer, he wanted to capture high-quality action photos, but could not because amateur photographers could not get close enough or buy appropriate quality equipment at reasonable prices. This created an opportunity from which he capitalized, by creating the company now known as GoPro.
The Go-Pro brand comes from his desire to “going pro”, and the Hero comes from the shots that the camera was able to provide each person with. With this technology, everyone was able to get the “Hero” shot for their projects. Fast forward two decades later, and the camera still maintains a relevant presence in the action camera market. Sure, cell phones are getting better, and other cameras are getting cheaper, but the GoPro’s size and capabilities are still impressive. Consider their newer cameras for your next family vacation, or social gathering. The features on this tiny camera will help your social media posts stand out.
Check out this video with some of the latest accessories worth your investment.